Harnessing novel technologies for precision medicine in pediatric diffuse midline glioma

01.03.2021 – 28.02.2026


Scientific abstract

Diffuse midline glioma (DMG) is a deadly cancer affecting children most commonly under the age of 10 years. DMG has a median survival of only 9-11 months and over 90% of children diagnosed with DMG will die within two years of diagnosis. Technological advancements, surgical/upfront biopsies, and cost-effective data generation platforms have resulted in the discovery of some of the molecular disease drivers. We and others ha...



  • Javad Nazarian, Abteilung Onkologie Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich, Switzerland
  • Sebastian Waszak, Laboratory of Computational Neuro-Oncology ISREC / School of Life Sciences Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Mehmet Yanik, Neurotechnology Dept. of Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik ETHZ, Switzerland

Project partners

  • Adriano Aguzzi, Institut für Neuropathologie Departement für Pathologie Universitätsspital Zürich, Switzerland
  • Stephan Neuhauss, Institut für Molekulare Biologie Universität Zürich, Switzerland
  • Pan Pantziarka, Anticancer Fund, Belgium

Disciplines and keywords

mySNF disciplines (provided by researchers): Interdisciplinary, Mechanical Engineering, Other disciplines of Engineering Sciences, Genetics, Experimental Cancer Research
Fields of research (mapped from mySNF Disciplines): n/a, Engineering, Genetics, Oncology and carcinogenesis, Mechanical engineering
Keywords: Neuronal network , Pediatric cancer, Diffuse midline glioma , metabolism , drug pathways , Bioinformatics, DIPG, DMG


Grant number
Funding scheme
Sinergia 2020 June
Approved amount
3,136,968 CHF
Research institution
University of Zurich - ZH
Abteilung Onkologie Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich